Sunday, February 01, 2009

31 and counting

So I blogged everyday in the month of January.
Can you believe that?
I can't.
Fortunately I haven't really identified this as a strictly knitting blog, because sometimes not a lot of knitting gets done in my house.
And fortunately I haven't identified this as a strictly book blog, because....well, do I have to repeat it?
You get the idea.
Sometimes I just GO (yes, capital G-O) through life and don't have time for much other than that.
One of the reasons I think I'm able to blog, or allot my time better, is because I'm not involved in a class.
In the early days of the semester it's not so hectic, but the manic feeling of trying to accomplish everything by the end of the semester usually kicks in about 4 weeks before class is done.
Regardless, I'm not there this time.
Plus it's been quite peaceful at work for the first month, and I am enjoying that to the max.
You can't even imagine what a difference that has made for me.
I'm even planning an overnight vacation to Niagara Falls for mid-month.
We're heading to this place on the Canadian side.
DN2 is so excited she just likes to sit and look at the map - she has everything memorized already.
We're taking one of her friends along so that she can really have a good time.
Truth be told, I'm kind of excited too.
And I'm already wondering what knitting and books I'll take with me.
Does anyone know of any good yarn stores in the Niagara Falls area?
I think there's one on Grand Island, but I don't know if we'd stop there.
I might have to look at the knitmap to see.
Honestly, though, I have enough yarn to see me through.
We are in a recession after all.
So, that's my story of 31 days of blogging - 32 actually if you count today.
Think I can make it through February as well?


Caroline said...

OMG, thirty-one days of blogging is just beyond my abilities. I'd do OK for a while, but I get sidetracked by easily.

No class this semester? Jut taking a break? You'll soooo enjoy having such a big chunk of time free. Even though I'm teaching one online class right now, I still feel so much more free now that I'm not having to write papers, etc. as much as I enjoyed the challenge.

KnittingReader said...

I am so impressed! I do well with one day a week, but I would like to challenge myself, too.

My knitting goals aren't there either. I wanted to finish a pair of socks every month. It didn't happen in January! Oh well--I did read 11 books.