Monday, July 30, 2007

The Curse Continues

I just can't get my knitting to work out properly.
So yesterday I went through some of my cross stitch things and straightened them out.
I'd forgotten just how much I have in the way of embroidery floss and cross stitch kits.
("Crap," DH would say.)
I have quite a few kits, but I also have a lot of magazines - and a lot of floss.
My friend Julie likes kits but I find it a pain to have to sort colors.
I'm lazy that way and really don't want to overtask my simple brain by trying to figure out which one is light pink and which one is salmon.
But I was feeling inspired because I had just finished reading a book called A Murderous Yarn by Monica Ferris.
It's about a woman named Betsy Devonshire who owns a needlecraft store in Minnesota and it got me hankering to stitch a bit.
And because it's Minnesota I thought of Julie and her cross stitch (she's a master - and fast).
So I began to stitch.
Something quick, and yes, from a kit - simple like an easy Christmas ornament.
And of course I stayed up until 11:00 stitching this "simple" ornament.
It's not done, but it probably will be tonight.
No pics, you'll have to wait.
And stay tuned, because I have an interesting post - with pictures - coming up.
Something that should/could have been one of the highlights of my life, but if you know me, I don't like quite that much attention -- or opportunity to embarass myself.
More later (I almost typed "Moor" - what am I thinking about? Probably my brother and the Melungeon connection.)
What do you do when your knitting is not working properly?
And how long do you wait before you go back and tackle a piece?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knit a washcloth or dishcloth. After doing something easy, I have the confidence to tackle my tricky knitting. But I have to confess to the many unfinished projects--so maybe the correct answer is I start something new!