Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Why I Read the Police Blotter

Here's a police report from an incident that occurred in town on January 26:

Police and Fire Department personnel responded to a report of strange odors in two Main Street businesses at about 4 p.m. Emergency responders discovered that the occupants of the business at XX Main Street had been attempting to fill a kerosene powered heater with gasoline, and further, a natural gas leak existed in the same building. Had the callers not notified emergency services, and quick-thinking responders not identified the problem, a serious explosion may have resulted. Police arrested Johnny X., owner of the Kitchen Express, on charges of Reckless Endangerment, 2nd Degree, and Reckless Endangerment of Property, both Misdemeanors. Johnny X. was issued an appearance ticket returnable to the Town Court, and the building was red-tagged by Code Enforcement.

Are you just as horrified as I am?
Okay, well since you don't know where I live, let me set the scenario: this particular restaurant is in the middle of a block containing approximately 10 businesses with apartments and a dance studio above. Typical old town-style buildings.
This guy is an idiot!
And I went into the pizza place on Monday that is two doors down from this restaurant and he said they could smell the gasoline in there!
I still can't get over these actions by a future Darwin Award nominee, so I figured I would share.


Justine said...

hahah darwin awards...classic...

Angelika said...

I'm just glad nothing major happened. It's scary though.

Kat said...

Dang! How many news stories about kerosene-powered space heaters does it take to make people stop and THINK? Glad you are okay :)