Friday, June 12, 2009

A New Addiction

DN1 has lost all respect for me.
This morning I told her about my new addiction, and she said, "That's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard you say."
What's the addiction?
I've been reading about it for a few weeks, but I just discovered it last night on an On-Demand channel:
I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here
Yes, I know, I'm hanging my head in shame, but WOW, what train wrecks they have on this show!
Now, some of the people are actually pretty decent, and that is what I find interesting to watch: the group dynamic and the rainforest location really bring out a person's true character.
I stayed up until midnight last night watching this show, and this morning I stood in my room to curl my hair so I could watch episode three.
Hey! I have to catch up!
If you can't stomach watching the show, then just check out this puppet parody.
This is pretty much episodes one and two:

It's obvious isn't it?
I have no shame.
I'll go back to my corner now and try to make better television choices in the future.
And don't judge me too harshly; I'm sure you've all made bad viewing choices before.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

DN2 is rolling her eyes at you? Oh No! I thought she'd never outgrow the "Mommy, you're perfect" stage. Sigh. They do grow up, don't they. Mindless entertainment is fine. My whole house laughs at my obsession with Twilight. Teehee (I'm listening to it on iTunes right now).

Have a great weekend,