Friday, June 26, 2009

June 25th - What a Day

Was yesterday an outrageous day, or what.
We had severe weather here, so that did not affect your part of the country, but I know we're all still reeling from the news.
First, Farrah Fawcett.
I always liked her a lot.
Remember when she was married to Heath Barkley aka Lee Majors? What a power couple.
Next, a fierce thunderstorm rolled through in the afternoon, and it was accompanied by lightning. The sky became so dark by 2:00 that it looked like twilight had come early.
At 3:10 exactly the power went out in the entire building.
Since there were only 4 of us on our floor at the time, we just looked at each other.
My first words were, "Oh, guess it's time to go home!"
(An old Marine Corps saying - there's no cure like se-cure.)
We did go home 20 minutes later because we had found out that power was out across the entire campus.
Once we were in the lobby we then heard from some other employees lounging there (who can work in the dark, right?) that there were people stuck in one of the dorm elevators.
We exited the building into a pouring rain which surprisingly cleared up shortly afterward.
It became so clear that by 6:00 we were sitting on the sidelines watching DN2's soccer game, facing west and staring into the bright sun.
Then DN1 walks up and tells us the unbelievable news: "Did you hear that Michael Jackson is dead?"
It was difficult to focus on the soccer game after that news was delivered.
For all his wackiness, Michael's voice was an accompaniment to my youth, and was there as I contemplated that unanswerable question: Who do I like better, Donny Osmond or Michael Jackson?
Ah, to be 10 again.
So folks, tomorrow is SN2's high school graduation.
I think we're safe because his name was in the paper along with the rest of his graduating class, so congrats to him.
Let's just not ever repeat yesterday.
What a day.


Caroline said...

It was a weird day, wasn't it? I've gotten better as I've gotten older at separating artist-performers from their real lives. Michael Jackson was a freak, but he was an incredible talent. Mozart was a freak too, but I still enjoy his music too.

Do you ever check Rani's blog? She's starting a book if you have time for even more books, but it sounds fun.

Caroline said...

Oh! I forgot to mention that I also wanted to marry Heath Barkley. He probably had some issues what with him being illegitimate and Barbara Stanwyck not being his real mother, and his possibly being attracted to his half-sister Audra, and all; but I still loved him.