Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Large Amounts of People

I went to class last night half expecting a small, intimate group of people, specifically six other grad students, and I found that the undergrad and grad classes had been combined.
When I got to the room I thought, "This can't be my class, this room with this large amount of people," but indeed it was.
Seeing as there are about thirty undergrads, added to the seven grad students this makes for a very full classroom.
But it was a good time.
And we went around and introduced ourselves and said what our favorite toy was from childhood.
So who got to go first with the introductions?
The fat, old lady by the door.
For those of you not keeping track, that would be me.
After I said who I was and what my major was (non-matric grad student and here for fun!), I cleared my throat and said, "My favorite toy from childhood, which is obviously much farther back than anyone else in the room..."
And it's true.
I am the old lady in the class, and it's kind of funny.
Because the professor is talking about when she played with Ninja Turtles.
And I'm thinking, okay, while you were playing with them, I was buying them for my kids.
But really it was all good, and we have some assignments to do on the internet in addition to our discussions in class. I'm used to internet learning, which is how I finished my undergrad and grad degrees.
I'm already working my way through all the required texts before thinking about what I want to write about.
Reading Shane now and I must see the movie because I never have, believe it or not, only the clip where the boy yells, "Shane, come back! Come back Shane!"
For the record, that is not in the text, I looked for it already.
Again, another first for me - working ahead.
It should be a good semester.
As long as I can stay organized.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

OMG - how funny, yet oddly depressing. How can you have a professor that actually played with Ninja Turtles during childhood. That's just not right.