I finally went back to the public library yesterday.
Believe it or not, I haven't been there in three years.
The shameful truth?
I had a ridiculously high fee that needed to be paid, and really, when I have that kind of money in hand I buy yarn (or chocolate), I don't pay my library fines.
Shame on me, I know, but I had an alternate library to use, so I wasn't really missing anything.
SN2 told me yesterday, however, that he needed to watch a certain movie for one of his classes, and the college library didn't have it, Netflix didn't have it, and I didn't feel like calling Family Video.
Well that's not completely true. I did call them but they weren't open yet, so I checked on the public library site.
They had it!
I was ready to "man up" and pay my fine, so I took some money and drove down there.
I should have walked but I was not looking my finest yesterday (not that I ever am).
Let's just say that I was fitting in quite well with some of the trashy element in town.
And I drove DN1's beater car with the broke muffler.
I did check out some good books, and I started reading one of them yesterday.
Blueberry Muffin Murder by Joanne Fluke.
The book is set in Minnesota in February.
Not that I'm complaining about spring at all - yesterday DH and I got out and did some much-needed weeding, and I kept waiting for the storm that never materialized which meant it was kind of muggy outside.
We definitely need the warm weather, as well as the rain, but sometimes I miss winter.
The coziness I guess I miss.
Last night I couldn't sleep. I ended up getting up at 3:30 and came downstairs, played on the computer (of course), and then curled up in the chair to read.
I feel asleep reading about Hannah Swensen (from the book) driving around Minnesota in the middle of winter, and of course I proceeded to dream about just that.
I was there - in the dusk that comes at 4:00 in the afternoon, seeing the sky dark with snow, but thankfully not experiencing the mind-numbing cold that accompanies a winter day.
And then I awoke and realized - it's not winter, it's spring!
I hung beautiful flowers out on the porch (even though the lady at the greenhouse told me, "It's too early to hang those out, you know."), and I'm looking forward to using my new tiller to tear up some ground, fertilize and then plant some more bulbs and perennials.
Petunias, pansies, buds on rhododendrons, and the promise of the heavenly scent of peonies is what makes spring so wonderful.
Balls to winter - it will be here soon enough.
I'll keep it in my dreams.